Saturday 27 November 2010

The Factory

This performance made me want to be a dancer! Very artistic and skilled. Admittedly I had to think hard about what it was really about and did some research about the life of Warhol and the culture of the time.


I was waiting for a whole cast to emerge at the start. I didn't think it was possible for two men to perform the whole of Hamlet, I was very impressed with the talent. I loved the mix of culture with South African songs intwined. The discussion after taught me about the company's concepts and ideas.

Lilly Through the Dark

What a beautiful and touching story! A talented group of six who actually made me believe the puppet was real. Possibly my favourite show yet.

Late Noon Sun

I have never experienced a piece of 'Ear Cinema' before. A very different type of theatre that turned out to be a really interesting night. Despite the fact it was only half an hour in length, it was great to see people's interpretations of it at the end of the show.


My first show at the Theatre Royal Bath turned out to be a thrilling and entertaining night. Visually fantastic, educational and emotional. Really enjoyed it!